Visiting Temple University Infant Lab in Ambler, PA

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The original post below was one of my very first blog posts on this site! I posted it back in 2009 when Lily was just a baby and I was on maternity leave from teaching. Back then, I never imagined that I would ultimately end up quitting my teacher job to blog on this site full time!

As I was going through my old posts looking for things that could be updated and edited, I fell upon this one. I’m happy to tell you that the Temple Infant and Child Laboratory in Ambler, Pennsylvania is still very much active!

In fact, they have expanded their research options and these days, you can participate in both in-person studies AND zoom studies.

The Infant and Child Lab at Temple does all sorts of helpful research with children aged 2 months through 10 years old. Research projects have a broad range of focus topics, including things like social skills, memory skills and language skills.

We visited the lab a time or two and I definitely found it interesting, both as a teacher and as a new parent.

Check out their website to learn more and to sign up if you are interested in participating.

Here is my anecdotal post from more than 10 years ago, in it’s entirety (and yes, I used to only refer to my kiddo as Lily Bean on the site. LOL It’s just, what OG bloggers like myself did!)

Ahh, college bound already! Okay, okay, not quite! Yesterday Lily Bean and I headed down to the Infant Lab at the Temple University Amber Campus! The teacher in me was curious to investigate what this opportunity was all about when I received a letter to participate a few weeks ago.

We arrived to find a room FILLED with fun and colorful toys. Lily Bean had a blast exploring everything while I filled out some papers and discussed the research study with our Research Coordinator.

Lily Bean got to watch two videos that dealt with cause and effect. Her eye movement will then be studied (she was videotaped) to explore how pre-verbal infants analyze and understand things!

Not only was it a fun Mommy and Lily Bean thing to do, but I had never been to Temple Ambler Campus before- it’s beautiful! There is even a lovely arboretum in the middle of the campus.

The Infant Lab is always looking for babies and children to participate in a study! Check out their website to learn more and to sign up if you’re interested!

Lily Bean got a t-shirt and a certificate for participating!


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