Thankful for a Great Teacher Printable Tags (Friend Version, Too!)

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Thanking a great teacher or friend just got even easier.  Grab our Thankful for a Great Teacher Printable Tags (our printable file also includes a “friend” version.)  Perfect for a teacher gift, hostess gift, etc.

Reeses Thankful Gift

Thankful for a Great Teacher Printable Tags

You know by now that I love a good teacher gift. I could go on and on about how grateful I am for great teachers and what incredible work they do. But I will keep this short and sweet so you can get to my printables without a ton of scrolling.

I’m a total sucker for seasonally themed gifts and treats. When we were in Hershey last week, it dawned on me that Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Reese’s Pieces wrappers/bags were gloriously steeped in FALL colors. How have I never noticed that before?  LOL  Well, better late than never.

This was all perfect timing because I whipped up these tags last night so that the kids could give their homeroom teachers a little sweet treat before Thanksgiving break.

These budget-friendly gifts are perfect teacher gifts and if you grab our free printable (see below) you will also find a FRIEND version of the tags! That worked great for the gift basket I put together to drop off at my aunt’s house this afternoon. This basket also just happened to contain a couple loaves of our homemade pumpkin bread.  (Seriously, you HAVE to try it!)

thankful gift basket

Reese’s Pieces Thankful Gift Supplies

Here is what I used to put these treats together:

You can grab our printable tags right here. Simply enter your email address in the box and opt-in to receive our free newsletter.  Check your inbox for this printable, which you will receive as a subscriber bonus.  Note: these tags are for printable use only. 

thankful gift supplies

How to assemble these gifts

1. Print out our gift tags (we recommend printing on card stock to make them a little sturdier).

2. Punch a single hole in the top of the tag. Have your kiddo sign the back of the tag if you’d like.

3. Fill jar with candy and place the lid on tight.

4. Wrap twine around lid and affix the tag to the twine.

Thankful for teacher gift tags

Love it!  Looks so perfectly fall-like, a great gift idea for Thanksgiving! You could put these tags on any gift you desire.

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5 thoughts on “Thankful for a Great Teacher Printable Tags (Friend Version, Too!)”

  1. I’m trying to receive the thankful for a teacher printable and when I click on the prompt it says gingerbread house kits what do I need to do ?

    • Hi there! Looks like I was working too quickly and didn’t change the title on the page. I will correct that now! I just tested the printable link and it sent me the correct printable (thankful for teacher).

  2. Thank you for sharing such a simple, but personal gift tag. I also appreciate you have one for teacher and one for the teacher. I can make many!


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