Simple 30 Day Declutter Challenge Printable

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You are going to love this! Take our 30 Day Declutter Challenge and by the end of the challenge, you will feel more organized and in charge of household clutter!  Our printable challenge is an easy way to break down areas in your home that tend to get cluttered with junk.

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Not all of us are cut out for Konmari

So look. About a year ago, I was one of the groupies that fell upon the Marie Kondo Netflix series. I watched with rabid attention as Marie swept into households that were far messier and far more disorganized than my own.  I found peace in her organization and gasped as I watched people emptying the entire contents of their closet on their beds.  They hugged possessions that no longer “brought them joy” and discarded them to the trash or donate pile. It was interesting. It was also extreme.

This led me to realize what I had probably known all along: I’m not really ready or interested in a whole house mega purge.

And you know what?  That’s okay!

Simple decluttering for the win

You are going to love this printable challenge!  It doesn’t matter what time of year you carry this one out – the choice is yours. Maybe you’ll add this to your “New Year, New You” mantra and work through the declutter challenge in January.  Or you could make this challenge your Spring cleaning each year! Another idea would be to use this challenge to get your house decluttered and ready for the holiday months.  Whatever you decide is perfect.

This challenge really breaks it down for you and has some “days off” built into the mix. Each day during the 30 day challenge, you will focus on one specific area of your home to clean, sort and organize! If there is a day when the item on the chart describes a spot that doesn’t exist in your home, you can substitute another space to work on or take the day off.

Printable 30 Day Declutter Challenge

You can print this challenge on regular paper or cardstock and I recommend hanging it up somewhere you will see it frequently, like the fridge!

Get the printable: Simple 30 Day Declutter Challenge

You can grab our printable right here. Simply enter your email address in the box and opt-in to receive our free newsletter.  Check your inbox for this printable, which you will receive as a subscriber bonus. Note: this printable is for personal use only. 

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Definitely let me know if you end up trying this challenge and, if so, how it went!

Alternate Way to Use this Challenge

One suggestion for an alternate use for this challenge would be to treat it like a bingo card. You don’t have to go in order and can hop around and pick and choose which spaces you will organize on different days. Cross off each block as it’s completed and remember to give yourself a day off every few days!

PIN this declutter challenge to PINTEREST!

Declutter Challenge PIN

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