Graham Cracker Peeps House Craft

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Every year when the Peeps appear on the store shelves, the internet debates heat up between those who love Peeps and those who hate them. Well, for this adorable Easter craft, you won’t need to worry about who likes to eat Peeps and who doesn’t… instead you can use the Peeps as a prop for a graham cracker Peeps house!

Peeps House Close up

I just know that your kids are going to love this fun project! Making a “house” for a Peeps chick or bunny is a great way to spend some crafty time around the Easter holiday (or any time in Spring!). You won’t need a lot of supplies to make a Peeps house. It’s a simple activity for school or home and can definitely be enjoyed by all ages.

Oh! And of course: the PEEPS HOUSE is entirely edible! Similar to a gingerbread house at Christmas time, this house is made up of all food material.

Peeps House Supply List

Round up the following supplies to make a house like ours:

Peeps House Supplies

Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s build a sweet house for our Peeps!

  1. Preparing the Grass
    Place a handful of coconut flakes in a small bowl. Add several drops of green food coloring to the flakes and stir them up until the coconut flakes are coated with green color.
    Dyed coconut flakes Green
  2. Setting the Scene
    Spread the green coconut flakes on a flat surface where your Peeps house will be placed. You can use a plate, a piece of cardboard, or even a shallow Tupperware container for your Peeps scene.
  3. Building the House Walls
    Using the frosting as your “glue,” connect 3 graham cracker squares in a “U” shape to form the walls of your house.
  4. Decorating the Roof
    Coat the tops of 2 additional graham cracker squares with frosting. Add sprinkles to the frosting-topped crackers. Finally, use more frosting to “glue” the roof in place. Use our pictures for a guide.
    Frosting on graham crackers
    Sprinkles on roof
  5. Placing the House
    Place your Peeps house on the coconut flakes and add a Peeps marshmallow to her new home! Use jelly beans or other colorful candies to decorate the space around the house.
Peeps House HERO

Additional Decorating Ideas

  • Some more options for decorating and customizing your Peeps house include using: different colors of frosting, adding candy flowers, or incorporating miniature Easter egg decorations.

I hope you have a lot of fun with this activity! If you decide to make some Peeps houses, let us know how they turned out. Feel free to tag us if you post a picture of your finished houses on social media. We would love to see them!

While you’re here, take a few minutes to browse our extensive Easter content collection. We have lots of printables, DIY projects and recipes for the holiday.


Graham Cracker Peeps House PIN

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