Family Time Capsule Jars for New Year’s + Printable Year End Survey for Kids

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NYE-time-capsule collage

Printable Year End Survey for Kids

Happy (almost) New Year!

A few years ago we made our first year-end time capsule and it turned out so cute!  It was simple to put together and this year I created my own printable kid survey to share with all of you.  Lily has been sitting here working on hers – and I sit here incredulous that I have a kid who is old enough to be filling out her on page.  Sheesh!

You can grab our printable right here. Simply enter your email address in the box and opt-in to receive our free newsletter. Check your inbox for this printable, which you will receive as a subscriber bonus.  NOTE: This file is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may NOT sell the digital file or sell the printed work. You may NOT redistribute the digital file or printed work.

DIY Family Time Capsule

I have seen various examples of these year-at-a-glance collections – some that include pictures, toys and other trinkets, memorabilia like ticket stubs, family surveys and more. Some are placed in boxes, others in jars or even bags and envelopes. Some are buried in the bark yard, some stored away, some displayed on a shelf.

The specific details are up to you. Here is what I used:

:: pint sized ball jar and lid

:: collage of pictures taken during the past year and printed on plain white paper

:: a picture of each kid (school picture, etc)

:: survey that Lily filled out with her likes and dislikes, etc. Print your own free copy of my 2023 Year End Kid Survey.

new year time capsule

Assembling the time capsule is the easy part!

Place family survey(s) behind the picture collage with the pictures facing OUT and then fold the papers in half lengthwise and place in jar.

Stick school picture(s) in the middle of rolled up papers.

Place somewhere safe and enjoy opening and exploring them in years to come!

new year time capsule

new year time capsule

new year time capsule 

What are some of your family’s favorite traditions to do every year around the holidays and New Year’s? Do you watch the ball drop? Make some resolutions? Travel to any parades or other local events?

Don’t forget to print out your own Year End Kid Survey!

PIN THIS Year End Survey for Kids to PINTEREST!

DIY Family Time Capsule Jars for New Year's

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