10 Essential School Supplies You Should Consider Buying Wholesale

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School Supplies You Should Consider Buying Wholesale

Starting in that very first year of preschool when the teacher sends her school supply wish list, to senior year in high school when your kid’s school supply list is a mile long, it goes without saying that one child will go through many (MANY!) supplies during his/her school career.  Sure, it starts out innocently enough – a box of crayons and some glue sticks.  Each year a few more items are added to the back to school shopping list and before you know it, you’re filling an entire cart with pencils, folders, erasers, and composition books.

I never mind buying school supplies for the kids during the summer months when most retailers offer rock bottom pricing on school essentials.  However, it’s an entirely different experience almost every other time of the year. Prices are high and selection is slim.

DollarDays School Supplies

Have you ever thought about buying school supplies in bulk?

If you have the space to store a few boxes of supplies, buying wholesale school supplies can be a really great option. DollarDays has a large selection of common school supplies available in bulk quantities. Not only can you save money by purchasing supplies in bulk, you also set yourself up to have supplies year round. After those initial back to school supplies are used up, a mid-year re-stocking is necessary. Having plenty of school supplies bought at affordable prices also makes it easy to donate supplies to the teacher a couple times a year and I know these donations are always incredibly appreciated!

What school supplies should you buy wholesale?

Check out our list of some of the most popular school supplies that end up on most back to school supply shopping lists year after year. By purchasing these supplies in wholesale quantities from a site like DollarDays, you very well might end up not having to do a big back to school purchase every single year!

#2 Pencils

wholesale pencils

Glue Sticks

wholesale glue sticks

Pink Wedge Erasers

wholesale pink erasers

Black Pens

wholesale black pens

1-Subject Notebooks

wholesale notebooks

Composition Books

Wholesale composition notebooks

2 Pocket Paper Portfolios with Prongs

wholesale pocket folders


Wholesale Rulers


Wholesale crayons


Wholesale Markers


10 Essential School Supplies You Should Consider Buying Wholesale

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